Jasper Maison25 rue Emile Vandame 59350 SAINT-ANDRE-LEZ-LILLE | info@jaspermaison.com | 06 30 61 03 29
  • guillerme chambron maison oak desk matignon leather 1960

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Rare oak desk by Guillerme and Chambron. 

Model “Matignon” produced by “Votre Maison” in France, circa 1960.

This important executive desk has an interesting variation of features such as two folding leaves which extend the desk top by 40 cm on each side, two swivel drawers with inlaid shelves held by remarkable visible brass screws, a secret compartment at the back opening downwards and suspended by two leather straps. Finally, the top is inlaid with an original patinated brown leather writing desk. 

W: 180 cm - 260 cm x D: 80 cm 

H: 74 cm

PRICE : On request

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